The King’s School

The White Oval

Company: The King’s School
Sport code: Cricket / Multipurpose
Project: Turf analysis & Resurfacing

Nature of works and deliverables:
GHG were heavily involved in the re-building of The White Oval for The King’s School. Construction began with the removal of the existing surface and soil profile, scraping and stockpiling the profile and carting of some 5,400m3 (approx.10,000 tonnes) of material to suitable locations around the school.

‘In ground’ works included a network of subsoil drains and irrigation. Sub-soil drainage entailed an intricate series of lateral collectors, mainlines and a ring main close to 3km in length. Irrigation was installed in conjunction with the drainage as close co-ordination was required to maintain the integrity and co-existence of all in ground services. 100mm gravel layer was installed across the entire 1.4 hectare surface amounting to some 2,400 tonnes. The gravel layer serves as a drainage layer allowing free movement
of water to the subsoil drains and away to the collection tank for re-use. Laser levelling of the gravel layer and a sand/soil blend was installed before Legends Couch was laid. GHG worked closely with the school’s Curator to formulate a ‘growing in’ fertiliser and maintenance programme that included aeration and topdressing.

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